Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Social Security is in Big Trouble

If the current trends in the Social Security Trust Fund (SSTF) continue over the next decade the SSTF will have negative assets by 2028 or 2029 if not sooner.   The assets (red line) in the SSTF will top out by 2015 or 2016 and then begin to accelerate to the downside as we reach 2020 based on current trends as Expenditures (green line) will far exceed Receipts (blue line).   Keep in mind when the SSTF has negative assets then Social Security Payments must be cut by 25% based on the current law.  If you are below the ago of 50 you are probably going to get screwed as you approach retirement age as the Social Security Trust Fund will likely be insolvent. 


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