Wednesday, March 04, 2020

COVID 19 Analysis

As of March 4th, at 1800 GMT, here are the countries with reported cases of 100 or above.  I have added up deaths and those considered in serious condition.  In addition, I calculated the percentage of those cases for each country, except for Iran, which isn't reporting serious cases for whatever reason.


1.  China, Italy, Japan and the United States have the highest percentages for the combination of Deaths and Serious cases versus Reported Cases.

2.  Germany, South Korea and Spain have a much lower percentage for Deaths and Serious cases versus Reported cases.
3.  Why does Italy, Japan and the United States have a much higher percentage versus Germany. South Korea and Spain?  Is it because there are a lot more cases out there that haven't been reported or has the the virus mutated into something more deadly?  
  Total Deaths Serious Total % of Deaths
  Cases       or Serious
China 80,282 2,981 6,416 9,397 11.7
S. Korea 5,621 35 27 62 1.1
Italy 3,089 107 295 402 13.0
Iran 2,922 92 ? ? ?
Diamond Princess 706 6 35 41 5.8
Japan 331 6 29 35 10.6
Germany 262   2 2 0.8
France 257 4 10 14 5.4
Spain 210 1 3 4 1.9
USA 137 10 8 18 13.1
Singapore 110   7 7 6.4
Hong Kong 103 2 6 8 7.8